
Bosch combi-zuigmond van stofzuiger 17004257

Originele zuigmond
Merk Bosch/Siemens
Omzetbare zuigmond voor tapijt / laminaat / parket

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IDB-07-B-298525 EAN8713411208393 SKU17004257

€ 31,95 35,95 -11% Incl. btw

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Bosch / Siemens BGB4533203, BGB45POWER03, BGB7331S08, BGB7331S10, BGB7331S12, BGB7331S14, BGB7331S15, BGB7332S08, BGB7332S10, BGB753008, BGB753010, BGB753012, BGB753015, BGB75A5916, BGB75SILM116, BGB8A32W08, BGB8A32W10, BGB8A32W12, BGB8A32W14, BGB8A32W18, BGC7SIL64M02, BGL4550003, BGL4FMLY01, BGL4FMLY04, BGL4PROFAM01, BGL4PROFAM04, BGL75X42CH15, BGL7A43315, BGL7PARQ15, BGL831003, BGL831005, BGL831006, BGL831008, BGL833003, BGL833005, BGL833008, BGL8330S02, BGL8330S05, BGL8330S08, BGL8330T02, BGL8330T05, BGL8330T08, BGL8332S02, BGL8332S05, BGL8332S08, BGL833405, BGL833408, BGL833410, BGL833412, BGL833414, BGL833418, BGL840003, BGL840005, BGL840008, BGL840703, BGL840705, BGL840708, BGL841008, BGL841010, BGL843003, BGL843005, BGL843008, BGL844008, BGL844010, BGL850005, BGL850008, BGL850010, BGL850705, BGL850708, BGL850710, BGL850808, BGL850810, BGL850811, BGL850812, BGL850818, BGL852005, BGL852008, BGL852010, BGL852208, BGL852210, BGL852211, BGL852212, BGL852218, BGL853003, BGL853005, BGL853008, BGL853010, BGL853012, BGL85Q5708, BGL85Q5710, BGL85Q5712, BGL85Q5714, BGL85Q5716, BGL85Q5718, BGL85S33008, BGL85S33010, BGL85S33012, BGL85S33014, BGL85S33016, BGL85S33018, BGL85SIL408, BGL85SIL410, BGL85SIL412, BGL85SIL414, BGL85SIL416, BGL85SIL418, BGL85SIL5708, BGL85SIL5710, BGL85SIL5712, BGL85SIL5714, BGL85SIL5716, BGL85SIL5718, BGL8AAAA10, BGL8AAAA12, BGL8AAAA18, BGL8AAAAGB05, BGL8AAAAGB08, BGL8AAAAGB10, BGL8ALL103, BGL8ALL105, BGL8ALL108, BGL8ALL203, BGL8ALL205, BGL8ALL208, BGL8ALL210, BGL8ALL212, BGL8ALL403, BGL8ALL405, BGL8ALL408, BGL8ALL410, BGL8ALL4A08, BGL8ALL4A10, BGL8ALL4A210, BGL8ALL4A212, BGL8ALL4A218, BGL8ALL510, BGL8ALL512, BGL8ALL518, BGL8PERF403, BGL8PERF405, BGL8PERF408, BGL8PERF410, BGL8PERF508, BGL8PERF510, BGL8PERF608, BGL8PERF712, BGL8PET103, BGL8PET105, BGL8PET108, BGL8PET109, BGL8PET110, BGL8PET112, BGL8PET118, BGL8PETGB03, BGL8PETGB05, BGL8PETGB08, BGL8PETGB09, BGL8PETGB10, BGL8PETGB12, BGL8PRO108, BGL8PRO110, BGL8PRO112, BGL8PRO118, BGL8PRO208, BGL8PRO210, BGL8PRO211, BGL8PRO212, BGL8SI59AU05, BGL8SI59AU08, BGL8SI59AU10, BGL8SI59GB02, BGL8SI59GB05, BGL8SI59GB08, BGL8SI59GB10, BGL8SI59GB12, BGL8SI59GB18, BGL8SIL105, BGL8SIL108, BGL8SIL110, BGL8SIL208, BGL8SIL210, BGL8SIL310, BGL8SIL312, BGL8SIL314, BGL8SIL316, BGL8SIL318, BGL8SIL410, BGL8SIL412, BGL8SIL414, BGL8SIL416, BGL8SIL418, BGL8SIL5902, BGL8SIL5905, BGL8SIL5908, BGL8SIL59A02, BGL8SIL59A05, BGL8SIL59A08, BGL8SIL59A10, BGL8SIL59B05, BGL8SIL59B08, BGL8SIL59D02, BGL8SIL59D05, BGL8SIL59D08, BGL8SIL59D10, BGL8SIL59D12, BGL8SIL59D14, BGL8SIL59D18, BGL8SIL59M05, BGL8SIL59M08, BGL8SIL59M10, BGL8SIL59S08, BGL8SIL59S10, BGL8SIL59S12, BGL8SIL59T02, BGL8SIL59T05, BGL8SIL59T08, BGL8SILM105, BGL8SILM108, BGL8SILM110, BGL8SILM112, BGL8SILM114, BGL8ZOO03, BGL8ZOO05, BGL8ZOO08, BGL8ZOO10, BGL8ZOO12, BGLS450001, BGLS4FAM102, BGLS4FMLY01, BGLS4PERF201, BGLS4POWER01, BGLS4PROFM01, BGS331001, BGS331005, BGS433001, BGS433401, BGS4SIL7301, BGS4SILM101, BGS5126102, BGS5126202, BGS5143202, BGS5143302, BGS5144202, BGS5200R02, BGS5200R03, BGS522002, BGS522003, BGS5230E02, BGS5230E03, BGS5230S02, BGS5320R02, BGS5320R03, BGS533002, BGS533003, BGS5330A03, BGS5330S02, BGS5A33S02, BGS5AAAAGB02, BGS5ALL02, BGS5ALL03, BGS5ALL102, BGS5ALL103, BGS5ALL402, BGS5ALL403, BGS5ALL604, BGS5KITFR02, BGS5MKIT02, BGS5PERF02, BGS5PERF502, BGS5PERFGB02, BGS5PERFGB03, BGS5PET2GB02, BGS5PET3GB02, BGS5POWER102, BGS5POWER103, BGS5R33S02, BGS5R66M02, BGS5RCL02, BGS5RCL03, BGS5S66E02, BGS5SCSIGB02, BGS5SIL2GB02, BGS5SIL6602, BGS5SIL66B02, BGS5SIL66C02, BGS5SIL66D02, BGS5SIL66M02, BGS5SILCH02, BGS5SILM202, BGS5SMRT6602, BGS5ZOOM202, BGS5ZOOO202, BGS5ZOOO302, BGS6PRO303, BGS6PRO304, BGS6PRO404, BGS7ALL6801, BGS7ALL6802, BGS7MS6401, BGS7MS6402, BGS7MSZOO01, BGS7MSZOO02, BGS7PERF02, BGS7PERF502, BGS7PRO102, BGS7RCL01, BGS7RCL02, BGS7SIL6401, BGS7SIL6402, BGS7SIL64M01, BGS7SIL64M02, BGS7SILALL01, BGS7SILALL02, BGS7ZOOMR01, BGS7ZOOMR02, BSGL531002, BSGL5312102, BSGL5312110, BSGL531802, BSGL531810, BSGL5318102, BSGL531902, BSGL5319102, BSGL5319110, BSGL5329102, BSGL5329110, BSGL533102, BSGL533110, BSGL533202, BSGL533210, BSGL5ALL202, BSGL5ALL210, BSGL5PRO502, BSGL5PRO510, BSGL5PRO602, BSGL5ZOO202, BSGL5ZOO210, BSGL5ZOOO02,,"


Specificaties van Bosch combi-zuigmond van stofzuiger 17004257

  • Merk Origineel Bosch/Siemens
  • Fabrikant Origineel Bosch/Siemens
  • Verpakking Originele verpakking
  • Inhoud 1 stuk
  • Diameter 36mm
  • Lengte n.v.t.
  • Breedte 270 mm (27 cm)
  • Hoogte nvt
  • Informatie op artikel Geen
  • Gelijk aan artikel nummers, 60516360
  • Gelijk aan origineel nummers 17001023, 17004257, 17001022,
  • Aanvullende info Geen
  • Geschikt voor merken Bosch, Siemens
  • Artikelcode 2100000298525
  • Tags Onderdelen, combiborstel, vloerborstel, zuigmond, combizuigmond, combimond, vloerborstel,

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